SpecWorks - Basic
Basic functions,
Documentation, sample projects
and data

14-days trial version
Platform: Windows

SpecWorks - Basic - Multisensor
Basic functions +
AddOn MultispectralSensors - Demo
Documentation, sample projects
and data

14-days trial version
Platform: Windows

SpecWorks - Basic
- Superresolution
Basic functions +
AddOn spectral Superresolution - Demo
Documentation, sample projects
and data

14-days trial version
Platform: Windows

SpecWorks - Quickstart

Wie arbeitet man mit SpecWorks?


Toolbox for Visual prototyping and implementation
of spectral processing pipelines

Ergonomic drag&drop operating concept

Uniform data management

Application specific AddOns

Customised application specific modules
on demand

Discounts possible for universities and research institutions



The program starts with an error message „Die Nutzung des Lizenz-Softwareschutzes ist aktuell nicht möglich. …“.

The error message indicates that the installation of Specworks did not work properly on your system, may be due to user authorisation problems.

  1. Open the program in Administrator mode again. The software will try to fix the problem.
  2. If the problem persists, open the file explorer in Administrator mode and go to \ProgramData\ZBS e.V\SpecWorks\ .
    Execute the file lpregister410.exe once.
  3. If the problem persists, send us an eMail.

The color panel display does not work in the  „Farborte anzeigen“ module.

There’s a problem in registering an OLE-control before using.
Open a console in the administrator mode and go to the
\ProgramData\ZBS e.V\ Specworks\ . Execute the following program line there.

  • regsvr32.exe ColorShow.ocx

Data - Import / -Export

Import of spectra and numerical data from different file formats, Export in internal format for uniform data management of data from different sources, Export in common ASCII formats, Import by digitisation of data sheets.

Spectra arithmetic

Powerful basic procedures: normalisation of data from different sources to uniform spectrum sampling and uniform range of values, spectrum extrapolation, spectrum filtering, spectrum point linking - and manipulation, spectrum simulation, spectrum sorting, multispectral processing and data generation.

Multispectral arithmetic - Colormetry

Simulation of multispectral observers, Calculation of colour space data from multispectral systems, colour space visualisation, calculation of colour rendering indices for light source spectra.

AddOn - Modules

Spectral Superresolution from Multispectral Data: Tools for spectral calibration and evaluation of multispectral sensors

Multispectral Sensors: Tools for Design, Optimization and Evaluation (the limited 'Multisensor' demo offers 2 modules usable for spectra and sensor spectra selection)

Multispectral LED-Lighting: Tools for Design, Optimization and Evaluation of Lighting from Multi-LEDs

Ask for more!

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